Things are happening. Here is a special edition of Fusion to prove it and to try to help keep you in touch between the normal Spring and Summer editions. This Special deals with Rediffusion ’64, an exhibition held in Television House on April 6 and 7, at which details were announced of our new on-screen name, new look and new programmes. More – it deals with events during the whole week, not because we wish to look back on that week especially but because that week was typical of what will be happening in the future.
The new look which swept in that week is only a start. The new working name of Rediffusion and the new station presentation are only a beginning. All sorts of things are bubbling and boiling. Gradually they will come to fruition as the weeks pass. Slowly the shape of things to come will become apparent. The new name, the new look, and the new programmes are significant because they are part of Rediffusion ’64. This special edition of Fusion is significant because it not only records what is past, but signposts what is to come in the future.