A spokesman for the BBC (yes, it is all right, you’re still reading the Fusion special) … a spokesman for the BBC explained recently that Custard was chosen as the name for the mother kangaroo’s offspring, because ‘custard goes with anything, like … er, prunes’.
Always quick to adopt good ideas to its own use. Fusion decided that the only headline which could be given to this article was the one you can read. Reason? Mustard, good, strong British mustard, goes with good, strong British beef. It adds piquancy to the dish. And that is just what the week beginning April 6 added to the Rediffusion dish. Mustard is hot stuff and some of the events during that week could be similarly described. Now let our reporter present his diary of the hullabaloo during the week beginning Monday, April 6 and attempt to show you the significance of the events in regard to the future.