A symposium for writers was held in Television House on Sunday, April 12 and attended by the country’s leading script writers. Rediffusion’s executive producers outlined plans for the future. Pictured here are (left to right): Sid Colin, Lawrie Wyman, Frank Muir, Alun Owen, Dave Freeman.
So to Friday, April 10. Down at Wembley, the newly formed programme board were at it again. Their weekly meeting was in session. More ideas, more plans, more discussions to put fresh life into Rediffusion ’64.
Up at Television House at the end of transmissions, a relieved programme officer signed the log. The week of hullabaloo was over as far as controlling the station’s presentation on air was concerned. Countless people – in design, engineering, programme services, music, ITN, film and telecine – had played their part. Eventually the final responsibility to see all was well had fallen upon the programme officers and the announcers. Not one slip up had occurred in a hectic week.
Even now, however, all was not yet over.
On Sunday, April 12, Studio 9 changed its role once again, this time for a Writers’ Symposium. Many of the country’s leading writers and television critics were present to hear Ray Dicks and Eric Maschwitz (executive producers, group 2. scripted series) and Antony Kearey (executive producer, group 5, plays) explain their script requirements for the future. Good programmes need good scripts. An important step to help the writers help Rediffusion to this target had been taken.